Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Nathan's first trip to Burt's Pumpkin Farm! We had a BLAST and got the perfect pumpkin. We are going to carve it this week for Halloween! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well, my baby is a year old!

I can't believe it...I have so many emotions today. Happiness, sadness, love...I could go on and on. He has grown sooooo much and it breaks my heart! I'm planning on writing him a letter today and putting it in his baby book.

Brendan and I are going to take him out for his birthday tonight. I know he won't remember it, but it will still be something special for our immediate family.

Here are some recent pictures!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm A Bum

I know I have been horrible about posting and I'm sorry! I have no excuse other than the fact that we have been on a few vacations. Nathan is going to be 10(!) months old on Thursday. Time has FLOWN by! He is standing all by himself, eating tablefoods, and saying, "Momma" and "Dada" all of the time!

I got a new camera for my birthday, so poor Nathan has had to model for me a lot. I'm posting a picture that shows his reaction to me when I bust out the camera. See if you can figure out which on it is. Hehe!

I'll try to be better about posting from here on out!

Ok, I kept trying to add pictures and it won't let me today. I'll try again tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day - A Little Late

I know Father's Day was Sunday, but I couldn't post this because I didn't want Brendan to see it! Nathan was the creator of his own gifts this year. I bought canvases and Crayola fingerpaints and he went to town! They turned out so cute! I bought easels to display them on and I really think Brendan and the grandpa's liked their gifts!

We did a cookout for the dad's at my parent's house Sunday night. We cooked ribs, chicken, potato salad, baked beans, rolls and my sister even cooked two cheesecakes before she headed back to Athens! All in all, I would say it was a successful Father's Day!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Time in the Pool

The great thing about hot Georgia summers is cooling off. We went to our friend Chris's house yesterday and took Nathan for his first swim! He loved it from the word, "go!" He was even trying to swim AWAY from Brendan at times! It was so funny!

His cousin, Isaac, come over and swam with him, too. Now that Isaac is older, he isn't too sure about the pool. It took him awhile to warm up to it.

Overall, it was a success! I can't wait to take him again!

Oh, and FYI, if the swim diapers are a little too big, they will leak. Yep, found that out the hard way!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Pictures

We had a little July 4th photoshoot the other day with Nathan. By photoshoot, I mean me with a white sheet drapped over a couch and a point and shoot camera. I thought they turned out really cute! Denae Hutson, a great photographer, was kind enough to photoshop a few of them for me to make them look better! I'm so excited!!